
Our courses

All our training courses lead to professional diplomas recognised by the State

The Thierry Marx training programme offers a unique curriculum in the restaurant industry, to encourage social and environmental responsibility among young chefs. However, promoting professional integration and social advancement is also a major challenge for the projects led by Chef Thierry Marx. This is why this ambition is also at the heart of the Thierry Marx training courses.

The Bachelor & Master’s courses covers all aspects of the restaurant business. Students at the Thierry Marx School will follow a curriculum that combines theory, practice and learning. The Thierry Marx Master’s degree offers students the opportunity to obtain a state-recognised RNCP 6/7 level certification from the Collège de Paris. The content of the course is based on several common pedagogical axes with the objective of anchoring chefs in their territories while consolidating the link between cooking and business.

Thierry Marx training, a path to professional integration

The Thierry Marx Bachelor is accessible from the level of bac+2 or equivalent and Master are accessible from the level of Bac+3 or equivalent. The one-year programme combines theoretical and practical aspects and is carried out as an apprenticeship.

Two Masters are currently offered by the Thierry Marx School. The Ms “Food & Beverage Management” is built around the importance of the role of management in the restaurant industry. The Ms “Arts Culinary” is aimed at those who want to develop the value of culinary cultures and gastronomic knowledge in an economic, tourist, artistic and heritage context.

Several common teaching areas make up the educational content: management, innovation, product and regional development, environmental and societal impact of the restaurant industry. There are many opportunities for these courses: chef, company manager or even innovation marketing manager, creativity and food media.

The courses Thierry Marx is accompanied by a certification from the Collège de Paris, registered in the Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles (RCNP), at level 6 for Bachelor or level 7 for Ms and recognised by the State.

The roots of the land, at the heart of the Thierry Marx school

The aim is to train tomorrow’s chefs to become responsible entrepreneurs in the restaurant industry, aware of the sector’s contemporary problems. 

Through the course offered by this unique training in the professional restaurant sector, the apprentices will also be able to benefit from the know-how of various local partners. The teaching is based on the contribution of local entrepreneurs from the restaurant, tourism and food industry sectors, particularly producers and farmers.

The Thierry Marx Bachelor & Master are based on the link to be built and consolidated between the kitchen and the company, but also on the anchoring of the chefs in their territories. The ambition is to encourage short supply circuits, to develop a network of restaurant artisans and to establish itself in the heart of a rural world that has many products and producers to offer. Ultimately, training could become a formidable lever for “freeing ourselves from the verticality that is sometimes imposed in large metropolises and revitalising rural areas”, as the chef Thierry Marx himself says.

In this vein, the Thierry Marx School offers professional training leading to qualifications, a means of integration and promotion, with the ambition of developing the catering profession at the heart of the challenges of the rural world.

Bachelor & Ms courses

Responsable de Gestion d’Unité Opérationnelle - Parcours restauration

Bachelor Chef « Business Leader »

Training available on our Paris campus

A training course for chefs, focusing on the importance of the role of management in the restaurant business, in order to contribute to the growth of the restaurant business. The course focuses on the management of teams, one or more operational units in the kitchen.

Ms in Food and Beverage

Training available on OUR PARIS CAMPUS

This training provides the foundation for a high-flying career in international marketing. Two available majors : Marketing or  Culinary Arts.

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